Cyber Attack & Secure Data Storage


Threat of Cyber Attack

According to a recent survey by KPMG, four in ten leaders of UK business’ believe they will be targeted by a cyber attack with the case being  “when” not “if” they will become a victim.

Of the 150 UK CEO’s questioned, 39% responded saying they thought it inevitable they would be the subject to an attack and as such have started contingency planning for the event. This number was much wider when added to the 1,300 business leaders worldwide, with 49% thinking the same.

It is hard to disagree with these industry leaders when you see the names who fell victim to cyber crime in 2017. The CIA, NHS, Facebook and credit card company Verifone were just a small example of the extent cyber attacks reached.

“The seeming inevitability of a cyber attack crosses all borders and has now crossed firmly over the threshold for the board-level discussions” said Bernard Brown the Vice-chair of KPMG in the UK.

Secure Data Storage

With the introduction of GDPR in May this year, the question of how organisations securely store data against cybercrime has become far more important than ever before. Many companies of all sizes are turning to cloud data storage and disaster recovery (DRaaS) to help keep them in business should they be attacked.

The need for secure storage of customer, employee and supplier data has increased significantly, as have the penalties for irresponsible data handling. Having a secure cloud data storage platform where you can rest assured your data is encrypted away from unwanted eyes can be a priceless commodity to many UK based organisations.

Our cloud backup services are ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 accreditedgiving customers reassurance our consistent service and can help protect company assets and minimise risks. Your data is held at two separate locations to minify the risks of onsite data corruption, just as we are your back-up, we need our own.

With secure data storage becoming a serious boardroom conversation, this is a landmark moment for the data industry. Consumers are becoming alert to the importance of keeping their data securely stored and organisations are increasingly held accountable on their data holding practices.

Safe Data Storage provides secure cloud backup servicesfor business, education and charity, giving you peace of mind that your data is safe. For more information,get in touch

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