Safe Data Storage Blog

Get Rid of the Common Cloud Backup Myths

Although online data storage is the most accepted technology trend right now, there are several misconceptions around it. While most organisations including those in the education sector are gradually embracing the cloud solutions, the common myths are compelling many to stay back. So, what are these prevalent misconceptions and what do you need to know to make the best use of the available cloud data storage solutions.

Myth 1: “Cloud and Compliance Oppose Each Other”

Many business entrepreneurs fear that storing their data on the cloud would mean a non-compliance with the security rules and regulations. This is certainly not true. When your data is stored on the cloud, it is made to go through a strict security audit, which includes a full proof encryption, management and security of your critical data. Also, compliance regulations do not necessarily speak about where your data needs to be saved, so assuming that data on the cloud does not abide by compliances is baseless.

Myth 2: “Data is Not Enough Secure in the Cloud”

Well, cloud security is the most robust form of security that your data can expect to get. although different cloud service providers offer different levels of encryption, there is no chance of your data being insecure or unprotected on the cloud. If you are fortunate enough to get online data storage solutions from a reputed provider, they will provide you with local encryption and decryption of the files in addition to backup and storage. This means that your data gets “zero-knowledge” privacy and even the server administrators have least to almost no access to your most critical data.

Myth 3: “Data in the Cloud is Not Visible”

This was an issue few years back but today, it is yet another misconception. Cloud providers understand that it is essential for you to have access as well as visibility of your data. In order to let you know what’s going on in the cloud environment, they have come up with granular management and visibility solutions too. With this, visibility is no longer an issue, be it the status of the applications what is being uploaded to the cloud.

Myth 4: “Cloud Data Gets Accessed by Unauthorised Users”

The fear is justified keeping in mind the number of high-profile data breaches that are reported every year. But it is a myth that unauthorised users get easy access to cloud data. The good news is that professional, business-oriented cloud providers address the possible vulnerabilities by means of advanced security and authentication procedures. Proper authentication is ensured through the usage of unique usernames, digital certificates and strong passwords. This works well in preventing the phishing scam and compromise of credentials.

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