You backup every evening – Nice, but what if the system crashes at 4pm?


So you backup every night to some kind of external device, you take that offsite and use a different device the next evening. Well done! But let’s say it’s 4pm Tuesday afternoon. The network / servers have been running well all day and everyone is happy. Then your phone starts going mad with users unable to open emails. It’s quick to work out that the Exchange server has died. You go to the server room and realise that two of your hard drives have died. Not a problem, you have a backup from last night. So apart from the question how long will it take you to restore and get the server live, what about all those emails that have been lost during the day, or the appointments users arranged. When you restore from last nights backup, you would have lost all of this data. What if this server had been your main Database server and you had 50 users inputting information all day?

A daily backup is no longer enough when we depend on our computer systems so much. Downtime is one thing, but the time lost from not backing up frequently throughout the day can be and possibly will be more costly.

With both our backup products you can backup as many times as you like during the day. In the above scenario, a Bare Metal Backup would allow you to virtually boot your server on any hardware within minutes and keep it running until you have time to fix the original server. With our file Backup solution it will take longer, but at least the data lost is kept to a minimum.

If you only backup once a day, see if you can increase the frequency before it’s too late!

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