01689 661030

Cloud Backup & Data Backup for Manufacturing Companies

Safe Data Storage offer dependable cloud backup & data backup for manufacturing companies that enables them to mitigate risk, save money and enhance security.

Cloud Backup & Data Backup for Manufacturing Companies

Safe Data Storage offer dependable cloud backup & data backup for manufacturing companies that enables them to mitigate risk, save money and enhance security.

Reliable Cloud Backup & Data Backup for Manufacturing Companies

When it comes to protecting the integrity, availability and confidentiality of critical data, the manufacturing industry is no different to any other. Customer records, bank information, employee records, product specs, trade secrets, supply chain information and more all need to be shielded from potential misuse or loss resulting from:

  • Cyberattacks that seek to exploit outdated security protocols and other vulnerabilities.
  • In-house threats from moles, disgruntled employees or carelessness by staff members.
  • Physical threats in the form of natural disasters, power outages and fires.
  • Data loss from human error or technical failures.
  • Compliance issues related to data protection, security and intellectual property.

For all these reasons and more, manufacturing companies need a cloud backup and data backup solution that is cost-effective and reliable. That’s why so many are turning to Safe Data Storage.

The Benefits of Safe Data Storage Backup

When you choose Safe Data Storage to handle your cloud backup and data backup you’ll enjoy an array of benefits including:

Enhanced data protection

Safe Data Storage enables manufacturers to secure customer data, product specs, trade secrets and financial information from hackers, malware, human error, power outages and more.

Threat mitigation

When it comes to threat mitigation we understand the value of remote storage and redundancy. When your data is stored and backed up in our pair of remote, state-of-the-art data centres it’s removed from everyday threats like malware, disgruntled employees and equipment failures.

Better regulatory compliance

Manufacturers are beholden to comply with a myriad of data protection regulations, and industry-specific standards. Safe Data Storage data backup ensures the safety of sensitive information and enables hassle-free compliance.

Continuity in the face of disaster

If your in-house data storage system is struck by fire, power outage or some other form of disaster catastrophic data loss can result. By backing your data up to the Safe Data Storage cloud you can get things up and running quickly again with no loss of data.

Contact SDS About Cloud Backup & Data Backup for Manufacturing Companies

When you choose Safe Data Storage you’re choosing to:

  • Enhance data security
  • Streamline your operation
  • Improve communication
  • Ensure future scalability
  • Save money

In the past, handling data storage and backup in-house seemed like a common-sense approach. Not anymore. Today’s ever-more-sophisticated threats, growing regulatory burden and the sheer volume of data being generated mean manufacturers need a better way. Safe Data Storage is the better way. Get in touch today by calling us on 01689 661030.

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Start Your Free Trial Now

To address concerns, we offer a free, no-obligation trial—to test our services and experience security firsthand.

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Start your free trial now

To address concerns, we offer a free, no-obligation trial—to test our services and experience security firsthand.

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Safe Data Storage—Your Trusted Partner in Safeguarding Data for Over 15 Years.

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